Road trip to Scandinavia 2013 - Part III
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Day 6: Preikestolen
Preikestolen is one of Norway's famous touristtrapslocations, it's a hiking trail that ends at the Preikestolen (Pulpit/Preacher's Chair),
a slab of rock hanging over the Lysefjord fjord. There's also the Trolltunga (Devil's Tongue) east of Bergen, which is similar just a lot smaller.
But we didn't go there.

We had planned the entire day for our trip to the Preikestolen. It had been advertised as a serious achievement, and we weren't that familiar with such hikes. With a mix of GPS navigation and following the signs, we took the "backdoor road" Fv316 (instead of the main road Rv13). This led us through windy hills, small roads and sheep on either side. A far better idea than the highway. Both roads end up in the village of Lauvvik were we took the ferry to Oanes, a 10-minute trip. After the ferry ramp you make a sharp turn and go through a tunnel to the other side of the mountain. After a short while you leave the main road again and take a smaller "mountain road". Here we ended up in a tiny traffic jam; this meant it was the right location.
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Road trip to Scandinavia 2013 - Part II
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Day 3: Løkken and Hjørring
The next day we drove to the seaside town of Løkken, famous for its candy store and beaches. We arrived early in the afternoon and parked at a big parking lot, for beachgoers. First up; the beach of course.

This beach is also famous for its World War II bunkers part of the Atlantic Wall and we could see them in the distance. But first a little walk on the beach and visiting the pier, where the water was frantically splashing over. Something I wanted to get on camera — would have been better if I had cleaned the salt seawater afterwards.
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Road trip to Scandinavia 2013 - Part I
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Our road trip to Scandinavia
I've been wanting to visit Scandinavia for quite a while, I've been to many European countries (Great-Britain, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Austria) but never to one of the nordic ones.
At a previous internship 2 co-workers of mine have been there and they were absolutely loving it, especially Norway. If you asked me in february where I'd go, I would have probably said the Garda lake in Italy. But since June all plans had changed to Norway.
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Gerben Jacobs is a 36-year-old software engineer from The Netherlands. My interests lie with (web)development, databases, design patterns, social media, communities, APIs and open data.
Check out my project-based site at gerben.dev
I don't have an About page, but I do have a Now page.