svc; an opinionated Go service framework

svc; an opinionated Go service framework

📅 — 🧮 1213 words — 🏷️ tech go

I have been writing Go (or Golang) for about 6 years now. In that time I’ve seen quite a few different ways on how to organize a Go project. During my time at MessageBird I got introduced to a nice layered approach. I’ve taken those lessons and applied them to something that feels right for me; svc svc is not an actual framework, but more a convention for creating microservices.

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First month at GitHub

First month at GitHub

📅 — 🧮 700 words — 🏷️ tech personal

It’s been a month since I joined GitHub in February of 2022. I’m enjoying myself a lot, but I’m also not sure if the reality has set in completely. In 2014 I started my first tech job and remember that I went to a conference and got GitHub stickers, they were awesome and all ended up on my MacBook. Eight years later I now work at that exact company. 🚀

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How many points would you give this story?

How many points would you give this story?

📅 — 🧮 804 words — 🏷️ tech

It’s time for a mental exercise. You are going to give story points to a user story, that I actually completed. Then I’m going to tell you what I had to do and which issues I ran into. Background We have a page that lists birthdays for people on the current day, but excluding the current year. In the descending order it then shows their age. This is nice, but if you want to find out whose birthday is on a specific date, you might have to wait a year for it to come around.

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My first open source project

My first open source project

📅 — 🧮 681 words — 🏷️ tech

Since november last year I started working on the HabboAPI project. While it is not my first repository, and maybe also not the first serious project (that would be my attempt of the RWS library), it's the first where I went the extra mile to create documentation, tests, continuous integration and Packagist support. I also intend to support this and hope to see other people contribute. So far I have one favourite!

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Move to Jekyll

Move to Jekyll

📅 — 🧮 129 words — 🏷️ tech

So I moved my site to Jekyll and Github Pages. The reason was that I wanted to get rid of my hosted VPS solution which I didn’t use at all. I had great plans of making lots of small websites, but that never really planned out. I also wanted to get rid of the 500ms page loads of Wordpress (yes, I’m sure you can make that better). All I need for my blog is a static website.

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Dutch Open Hackathon

Dutch Open Hackathon

📅 — 🧮 1176 words — 🏷️ tech personal

Last weekend I attended the Dutch Open Hackathon in the UP building (previously known as IJ-toren) in Amsterdam. I went there as part of team 'Pi Ducks'. The team consisted of some colleagues from (where I started working in July) and a front-end designer we met through Twitter. We had a pretty broad range of skills in one team! Good morning Amsterdam! Billie got hacked! Tired of coding? Take a 'flight' to chillzone.

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Black and white picture of Gerben Jacobs

I’m a 35-year-old software engineer from The Netherlands. My interests lie with (web)development, databases, design patterns, social media, communities, APIs and open data.

More about me, including links to other online services, can be found at


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